I'm not sure how I can make this blog sound a bit more interesting than just a list of what I've done in the last week! I'm hoping at Easter to do a proper walk, albeit a short one, so that will be a little more exciting!
However, for now a report of the last week! I managed to walk 1.5 miles a day for 6 of the 7 days and do some WiiFit for 6 of the 7 days as well. I lost the little bit of weight I gained the week before as well as another pound so at least the weight is going in the right direction now!
This week I'm upping my walks to 2 miles a day and I've also slightly upped what I'm doing on the WiiFit. Along with that I'm now counting calories to make sure I keep track of what I'm eating. It's just too easy to fall into the trap of thinking you are doing OK.
Tomorrow I start back at work for half a day and my son breaks up for Easter. I'm hoping these two things don't disrupt my routine!
Your progress is exciting! :)